Parkinson’s Art will be running the Creative Zone at the Sport Parkinson’s Summer Try-Athlon on the 24th July. Claire sat down with Trevor to find out a bit more….
CLAIRE – Trevor, how you doing?
TREVOR – I’m very well thank you, yourself?
CLAIRE – I’m doing pretty well. You and I, we have been chatting for quite a while now, off and on, about the excitement that is the Sport Parkinson’s Try-Athlon and I am delighted to have Parkinson’s Art on board on hosting our creative zone. So what can people find there?
TREVOR – So we have three course running both in the morning and the afternoon so hopefully everyone will get a chance to have a go: painting, creating colleges- using different types of material to be expressive and and create something new, and finally the poetry corner. Which is great as it features a fun approach to learning how to create your own poetry in a semi structured way.
CLAIRE – So its designed for people of any level, that I know a lot of people always say, “oh, I don’t have an artistic bone in my body”, and that’s not true about anybody.
TREVOR – No, we are used to teaching at all levels of experience – everyone is welcome and encouraged to have a go and we’ll be there to help and guide where we are needed.
CLAIRE – I’m really excited about the big community art piece the Try-Athletes will be creating, can you let us in on what they might expect?
TREVOR – Yes, so that’s that’s going to run throughout the day, so that’s a community piece where we want to allow people to. Do an individual piece of art, but it kind of tailors into a bigger piece of a community art which we reveal at the end of the day.
CLAIRE – I’m very excited by that, actually, I think that’s the essence of the day, showing not just all the things you will have tried and achieved as an individual, but you’ve captured the importance of a wider community of friendship too
Putting the wonderful area of the creative zone aside, is there anything that you’ve always wanted to try and or have a go at that you’ve never had a go at before that you might be able to do?
TREVOR – I’d like to try the ping pong to be fair. I’ve heard some great stories (Check them out here) and news about the competition that’s going on has been going on for the community and around just generally, e, but I’ve never really played before before and would like to try it.
CLAIRE – Plus at the Try-Athlon you actually have the opportunity of playing against a robot, which I’m very intrigued by (check out the robot here!)
TREVOR – I am looking forward to seeing, art and poems on the big screen!
CLAIRE – Haven’t Parkinson’s Art got a lot of online courses available for people to try?
TREVOR – Yes, the visual arts, poetry and new coming this summer – writing crime novels! Launched on the 1st of September!
CLAIRE – That is really cool, I could be the new Agatha Christie! There is loads going on with Parkinson’s Art – a major exhibition too!

TREVOR – Its a really exciting time. From the 8th to the 29th of August we’ve got the Vivid Dreams Exhibition, which is in the OXO Tower Gallery and online, which is free admission. Its open to everybody to come and view, either physically or virtually – online.
CLAIRE – Wow, you guys are busy – thanks for taking the time to host our creative zone at the Try-Athlon!