Category: Poetry

Welsh Creativity not Limited to the Golf Course

Chwaraewyr Cymru yn dangos eu doniau, nid yn unig ar y cwrs golff, ond hefyd yn greadigol. Kevin Bywater ( Chwaraewr y Gystadleuaeth ) a Jeff Lawrence ( Chwaraewr y Chwaraewyr o Gymru) yn defnyddio y traddodiad Eisteddfodol i gyfleu eu teimladau drwy farddoniaeth.  Our Welsh players showing their mastery, not just of the game…
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Art, music, poetry – Try your hand!

Parkinson’s Art will be running the Creative Zone at the Sport Parkinson’s Summer Try-Athlon on the 24th July. Claire sat down with Trevor to find out a bit more…. CLAIRE – Trevor, how you doing?  TREVOR – I’m very well thank you, yourself? CLAIRE – I’m doing pretty well. You and I, we have been chatting…
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Your Art and Poetry on the big screen!

Parkinson’s Art are hosting the creative zone at the Sport Parkinson’s Try-Athlon, and whilst they will be ensuring you have lots of activities to channel your imagination throughout the day. Sport Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s Art have also decided to join forces to give you a chance to showcase both trying a new experience and your…
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Try Challenge – Week Four and reflections

Its been another massive week in the world of Tracy, Johnny and I. The try-challenges, are worth it for smiles like these. We are not brilliant but smashing our own personal barriers! The pogo achievement by Tracy this week made my heart sing for her! Enjoy! Join us in the Try Challenges! Send your story…
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