Category: Trying Stuff

Get your Ticket to Try!

Sport Parkinson’s Try-Athlon Tickets are now on sale!

Find Your Way to Play at The Vale this May

Sport Parkinson’s are bringing two events to Wales on the 3rd May – the first ever golf open Parkinson’s Tournament with free golf pro training for beginners and those returning to the sport, at The Vale Resort – and is open to all people with Parkinson’s. Never picked up a club on anything other than…
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Sport Parkinson’s is on Instagram

We will be posting all our picture history to Instagram – plus follow us there for exclusive content! Here are our latest posts!

Garen Takes Stock of a Year in Sport Parkinson’s as he Celebrates his 50th

Our first event – The Sport’s Parkinson’s Summer Try-Athlon – Great day up at Worcester Warriors’ Sixways Stadium. We pulled the community together to actively try out sport and exercise. I played in the football tournament and enjoyed every minute of it – but my favourite exercise in the spirit of the day was the…
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