Year: 2021

Your Art and Poetry on the big screen!

Parkinson’s Art are hosting the creative zone at the Sport Parkinson’s Try-Athlon, and whilst they will be ensuring you have lots of activities to channel your imagination throughout the day. Sport Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s Art have also decided to join forces to give you a chance to showcase both trying a new experience and your…
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Rules for 7-a-Side Football at the Try-Athlon

Players must remain 2m from League Officials at all times* this is a permanent change and will remain after this post-Covid period.  Limit contact with teams that have played previously  There must be no shaking hands at any point. Bring your own ball to warm up with.  Wash your hands before and after you enter…
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Want to help people try?

It is not to late to be part of the Sport Parkinson’s Try-athlon Event! Firstly you might be wondering what exactly the Sport Parkinson’s Try-Athlon is? It is an event at Worcester Warrior’s Sixways Stadium designed specifically for people with PD of all ages to try out activities of all types, at all abilities, in…
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Reaching your Peak at the Try-Athlon

Another set of friendly faces you will see at the Sport Parkinson’s Summer Try-Athlon are those from Reach Your Peak! Chartered Physiotherapists Maria Lewis and Sally Tawhai will be there – warming us up – and helping us put our new ways to play to best benefit ourselves! Check out Claire’s conversation with Maria and…
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Fancy Taking on a Robot?

Ping Pong, Table Tennis, Whiff Waff, Parlour Tennis, Indoor Tennis, Pom-Pom or Pim-Pam? Whatever you would like to call it we have it here at the Try-Athlon courtesy of the PDTTUK You will be able to have a go, even if you’ve never played before – all equipment will be provided for you to try it out…
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Neuroheroes on the Try-Athlon stage!

If you don’t already know about the brilliant Neuroheroes – you are missing out on some of the most fun workouts – certainly that I have ever seen! Fun and workouts not possible surely? Neuroheroes was founded by Laura Douglas and Anna Kharin, and the focus of the company is to provide Neuro-physiotherapist led, small…
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Latest on the Try-Athlon

We are on! Sports Parkinson’s Summer Try-athlon is going ahead as planned. We have been working with Worcester Warriors Sixways Stadium which is compliant to all the government covid regulations There are a few things you need to do before the day: First and foremost book a ticket – this allows us to make sure…
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New Table Tennis Group in Essex Starts This weekend

Fancy a go at Table Tennis or Ping Pong – whatever you want to call it, it provides great exercise and a chance to meet other people with PD socially ! If you feel uncertain about having a go at table tennis check out this inspirational video from Paul Nicholls The inaugural session of PingPongParkinson…
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Walking Football Taster Session in Liverpool

Claire caught up with Stuart Langworthy again to find out how the session went in Watford and what people can expect from Wednesday 2nd June’s Session in Liverpool! Also, she spoke to the brilliant John Roche.. Sign up tomorrow’s taster session here You can read more about Walking Football and register for the fun tournament…
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Try Challenge – Week Four and reflections

Its been another massive week in the world of Tracy, Johnny and I. The try-challenges, are worth it for smiles like these. We are not brilliant but smashing our own personal barriers! The pogo achievement by Tracy this week made my heart sing for her! Enjoy! Join us in the Try Challenges! Send your story…
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