James Quinlan

Past Teams
Ireland – Sport Parkinson’s Four Nations Golf 2021

Bio for James Quinlan, Ballygunner Temple, Grantstown, Waterford, Ireland

James Quinlan, 66 years old.

Married to Mary for over 43 years, we have 3 adult children and 2 grand children.

I am retired since April 2021, having worked with MABS (Money Advice & Budgeting Service) for the last 13 years. Prior to that I worked with Hasbro Ireland for 30 years.

I am avid sports fan and my first love is Hurling, I support the Deise and my memories go back to attending matches since 1963 with my late dad and uncle.

In 1989 I took the position of secretary and selector with my club team Passage East Hurling Club. We enjoyed relative success over the following 9 years, where we won the Intermediate Hurling title and progressed to play in 3 senior county finals, alas losing all 3.

I stepped down from the Hurling Club in the late 1990s and began playing golf in the Faithlegg Golf Club. In 2002 I became Captain of Faithlegg, having served as Chief Marshal for the Ladies Irish Open in 2001, which was a brilliant experience. My current handicap is 14.6 and growing.

I have been nominated to be Club President of Faithlegg Golf Club for 2022.

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in May 2017, which was a shock at the time, but I have learned to live with the disease and I lead a very active life, playing golf, walking and attending hurling matches.

The greatest joy for me is playing with my grand children and enjoying my extended family.

At home we have a large garden and I enjoy working there and growing vegetables in our tunnel. To be honest, since retiring I find it hard to understand how I ever had time to go to work.

Looking forward to the Belfry in October 2021, where I hope to keep our countries flag flying.

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