Dave Andrews

Current Team
England – Sport Parkinson’s Four Nations Golf 2021

As a golfing enthusiast diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 48 in 2017, lockdown got me thinking and resulted in two grand plans !

Firstly, I agreed to team up with Charlie Appleyard, and help to organise a Home Nations Golf Event at The Belfry In October, where teams of golfers with PD will compete against each other over 2-3 days. We hope to involve at least 32 golfers with PD to play in the event.

Secondly, I have decided that whilst I can still walk a course, and maintain a reasonable handicap, I will set about the challenge of playing the GB&I top 100 golf courses as listed in Golf Monthly.
I’ve currently played 20 of the top 100 courses, and have lined up trips to visit another 20 so far this year. I will continue to plan trips over the coming years and see how many of the 100 I can play.

My aim from both of these endeavours is to demonstrate that a Parkinson’s diagnosis is not the end of an active life. I can still carry, or push, my bag around 18 holes at an acceptable pace, and have a handicap index of 16.8
The benefits of playing golf to Parkinson’s symptoms are untold, from improving flexibility, to maintaining social interaction and cognitive skills.

Whilst we are raising the profile of the benefits of golf to Parkinson’s sufferers, I’ve also found huge benefits from Zoom based Boxing classes with “Box Positive” and would like to give a shout out to Charles Delve who brilliantly runs the show with great passion and caring towards those participating in his classes.

Through helping to raise awareness, I hope to bring people back to play the game who have given up due to their diagnosis. Give encouragement to those with PD who continue to play, and to raise money for Parkinson’s research.

Leave a good luck message below for Dave – and we will publish it here!