Alex Banahan

Current Team
Ireland – Sport Parkinson’s Four Nations Golf 2021

Diagnosed in December 2006 at the age of 44. I live just outside Dublin, I have 2 children and I am married for 33 years to my fabulous wife Bernadette. I work in a senior sales role in a food distribution company and will retire in 2024.
My diagnosis came as a big surprise as I was in good health. Needless to say I was in shock for a number of months but I set myself a target and that was to educate my 2 children so that they could provide for them selves in the future. Delighted to say my daughter finished a business degree 2014 and now works in banking In London. My son Ian also finished a business degree in 2019 and works for Pfizer as an accountant. That ticked a big box for me.
I was always very sporty playing football, tennis, golf from a young age. Despite my diagnosis I decided very early on ‘ that if you don’t use it you lose it’ so I embarked on a daily fitness programme which included running, walking, yoga, pilates ,some hi intensity training, 5 aside football and of course golf.
All the exercise helped physically but also helped with the the mental side of having the condition. But it was golf that I believed was the best outlet for me because of the walking, the twisting and turning and of course the social aspect.
I underwent DBS surgery in June of this year in London and despite it being early days I am happy with the outcome so far.
I can’t wait for the event in the Belfry and I believe it’s only the start of something that will help us all in the future

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